At our October meeting we had a visit from the U.S., brought Linda and Laurie, the Aby. And Deb's birthday - they celebrated with us! We are honored ;-))
It was a meeting with a lot of fun ;-)) you can see, right? Here is pleased by the way Aby at her win - she has won all the strips that are very excited about the raffle standen.Wir what they make of it!
This is what blocks the way, from request, if they gang together: the "Gretchen" for Ingrid. Beautiful, right?
Frauke here shows what we as a group project for our exhibition in 2012 . Superior In its "Winter Puzzle" it being winter images, printed on fabric. Combined with Patched backs. If the whole thing is free, then turn and move the pieces, thus creating ever new views. As a group project, we think, pictures of us (maybe black and white) to combine with blocks.
program point of our meeting was "Free Design by Barbara aphid. Inge and Helga have shown how to do it with paper and pencil; Elli showed Designing with Corel Draw on your computer. The slideshow shows what we have done so - now it is interesting to see what caused it for quilts ;-))
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