Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Neetusingh Boobs Show

20s Charleston & Lindy Workshop, 23-24. October 2010

Teacher: Angie, Silke & Jens
3 hours per day hours, a total of 6 hours in 4 workshop units (see schedule )

Solo 20s Charleston figures, Whirly Bird, Bunny Hop, Push Away, styling, turns, new variations of the entrance of the Shadow Charleston, ... new hand-2-hand figures, of course, the necessary techniques and tricks
Single entry fee 25, - €, Couple 50, - € ... accurate refer also to the registration form on- www.jam circle.com !
registration on this site, or by mail (limit 20 couples)
Location: Jägerstr. 34, 01099 Dresden (House C behind the Waldorf School, see map of Dresden )

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Proppeller Size And Thrust

October meeting topic: aphid Draft

for the next meeting on 06 October, the aphid-workshop is planned.

Please bring material to:
- transparent paper (wax paper or tissue paper, etc.),
- Pencil,
- ruler and
- Paper Scissors

Anyone who wants can also create a design with CorelDraw. Ellie brings with her laptop and printer.
ran Then again - we look forward to many great designs (and then the quilts that will come of it ...)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brown Discharge Implantaton

material list Pojagi course 08/09. January 2011

As discussed at the last meeting - we provide the materials list for the course Pojagi here with Monika Pohl for all of us online. Then do at least every, where they can look for commands - go to seed at least I'd also recommend those notes very happy ;-))

Attention, change of date! Now: 08-09. January 2011 in Nürtingen

Fabric needed:
least 1.5 - 2 meters fabric, material: cotton, linen, ramie, cotton organza, silk, possibly (caution is fast brittle in the sun! )
It can only be a substance or a mixture of different materials and colors, different shades and nuances ... the more the better. There is possibly also trade with one another a great idea!
The selection is also dependent on the project request: eg by Monika Pohl shown curtains are made of a fabric (cotton canvas), the table runner is made of different reds of various linen fabrics, including worn clothing and stained shirts
IMPORTANT: For all substances should front - and back equal - not prints! and they should not fray too much!

- color with matching thread,
- pins,
- Chalk wheel,
- soft pencil,
- bone folder,
- ruler to draw in lines 0.50 and 0.75 cm.
- cutting mat 45 x 60 cm,
- rotary cutter,
- Ruler 15 x 60 cm,
- pens,
- Sewing,
- sewing machine and extension cord or power strip,
- Iron and ironing pad
- and of course the extent - if the project is you can fit in a window.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Black Gays Fisting White

meeting in September - how about In a little slide show?

Here's now a slide show from the last meeting. Have fun!
The "cute" Pet Show financed the whole thing well - but in the right corner off GE Xt - and then the caption read.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best Av Reciever India

-tribute to the universal-
from 13 September 2010
Hatha Yoga classes
in space Bolzano, Merano
South Tyrol-Italy